Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The New Trend: Flyball Blogs

I've noticed a new trend among flyball teams and individuals that I seem to be a part of: Flyball Blogs.

I started my own Flyball Blog because I wanted to give people looking for information about flyball a different place to go that was a little bit more personal. Flyball is about dog training which is building a "one on one" relationship with your dog. Whether or not someone wants to play flyball with their dog, I want them to enhance their relationship with their dog no matter what dog sport they choose to get involved in.

I did a little Search Engine browsing and uncovered Cascade Comets Blogspot. It is very informative and makes good use of video to illustrate their points. The Cascade Comets Dog Sports Club is based in and around Seattle, WA and focuses on Flyball and other dog sports. The purpose of their blog is to provide a history of their training techniques and team events.

Unorthodogs Dog Blog is somewhat older than the flyball blogs previously mentioned with archives that date back to November 2006. They have a delightful mixture of dog training, tournament experience, video and plain ol' "flyball humor". I'm really looking forward to reading and viewing all they've got there.

Sure Shots Flyball Blog is focused pretty much on their personal training philosophy. They have a "no-nonsense" approach to training with the "expectation" that their dogs will give it their all. I find a lot of what they say intriguing and I can't wait to try some of what they suggest in practice.

I have added links to the blogs mentioned in this post to the side of this blog so that my readers will find it easy to check them out as I hope they will. Flyball is about "community" and helping each other out.

Now, I just know because I've written this post, I'm going to get email suggesting more sites and blogs that I failed to mention here. Well, I hope I've got you reading and searching the internet for some more good sources of more information. I think it's exactly what we need.

Good Reading,
Good Luck and Good Racing!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like the Unorthodogs blog and website. We are very lucky to have a group or members that really work and "play" well together - Dogs and handlers alike.

    We enjoy reading your blog too! Keep up the good work.
