Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Greatest Gift

“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.

You are his life, his love, his leader.

He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.”

- Anonymous

I had intended to make this post a very short “Have a Merry Christmas” message. Indeed, I still want to wish our readers a Happy Holiday but, I want to give our readers the opportunity to learn about a cause that impacts all Americans – The Military Working Dogs Cooling Vest Project.

From the WTVG Ch 13 News Story: “The military uses highly trained dogs to detect bombs aimed at U.S. soldiers in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. Believe it or not, many of these hero dogs do not have the equipment they need in the rugged desert terrain.”

“It’s the dog’s job to detect any explosive material, any IEDs in the road. The dog goes first, then its handler, and the troops follow 100 yards back.”

“For every dog mission, which is approximately nine months, they save 1,084 lives. The dogs are unsung heroes. The dogs keep every son and daughter in our military safe.”

From the Military Working Dogs website:: “Starline Nunley started with the idea of helping her son, Major Parker Frawley, who is a Longbow, Apache helicopter fighter pilot stationed in Iraq. She asked him if he would like a Cooling Vest to help him cope with the typically very hot temperatures encountered there. His reply was “Mom, I am and we (soldiers) are all right. The military provides for us very well, but dogs have different needs. It is so hot that they are having trouble doing their job and that puts us all in danger.”

“Temperatures sometimes reach as high as 140 degrees. The dogs cannot work for more than an hour to an hour-and-a-half before being completely exhausted. Our troops are provided with proper equipment but the dogs are our first line of defense in many situations. They’ve been forgotten and have no protection against the heat, blowing sands and rough terrain.”

The cost to completely outfit and protect one dog is $400. This purchases one cooling vest, two cool packs, Doggles, Muttluks, Mutt Muffs, FURminator, a collapsible water bowl, toy, and reward article (toy). They do receive other requests for additional items such as extendable leashes, harnesses, tracking equipment which wears out, and sturdy storage containers for the dog food (the rats were eating through the bags and into the food faster than the dogs could be fed!) These are provided whenever can.

Sixteen people donating $25 each could completely outfit one MWD and thus save the lives of 1,084 men and women serving in active war zones. Won’t you consider donating today?

For more information, visit the following:

Military mom raises money for military dogs
Military Working Dogs Cooling Vest Project

There is no greater gift than to lay down your life for another. These amazing dogs and their handlers risk their lives every day to keep the troops they are deployed to protect safe. How good will you feel when you give knowing that your gift will impact many, many more? That is the true spirit of Christmas.

Visit the websites and even if you do not give a gift of money, please, DO spread the word about the mission of the Military Working Dogs and the Cooling Vest Project to as many of your friends and families as you possibly can. Become a Fan at: Support Military Working Dogs Facebook page

If you Twitter, please, RT this article. Thanks!

Hope you have a very, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Chris VanWert

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