Friday, December 3, 2010

Flyball Survey

It's my personal belief that the most important function of anyone who serves or seeks a position on the NAFA Board of Directors is to listen to the flyball playing public. While I'm not sure exactly what the public wants NAFA to do for them, I have developed a short 10 question survey that I believe will:
  • provide some insight to the needs of NAFA players and
  • demonstrate that I can ask good questions when seeking answers to complex issues.
So, please take about two minutes to answer a few simple questions about flyball and NAFA and then we can get on with something REALLY important like, playing with our doggies!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.


  1. I particularly liked the question where you ranked the items in order of priority (and HAD to choose). It was very interested to have to step back and look at the big picture. I wish I felt more connected to the process.

  2. Thank you, Susan!

    I have heard from at least three people who totally DISliked answering that question. Complaints ranged from not wanting to choose beween two or more items that they considered to be EQUAL in importance to the fact that the question had too many choices to rank, therefore, too complicated to answer.

    So, I have learned to keep forced ranking style questions to fewer choices and therefore, easier to answer. Or, explore ways to learn relative importance without using a forced ranking style format.

    The reason for this is rooted in the BUSINESS reason for the survey. NAFA has a budget now. I don't know how you can properly allocate funds without knowing in advance the relative importance of the items you are budgeting for. If you limit funds to one or more items, how will you know if the majority really desires to FUND these items more than other projects? You need to ask and I am shocked that NAFA doesn't employ business surveys more. How can you know where to spend money if you don't ask the majority what they want?

    Again, thank you Susan for your comments and a BIGGER thank you to all who participated in the survey. Your feedback is important to me!

  3. I'd have to agree that is was hard to rank them in that fashion, but it was *very* helpful in gaining perspective. What is absolutely necessary to run flyball(and hence should be a priority to NAFA? You kinda want to rank the EJS at the top, but can you run a tournament without them? Yes. That isn't to say we would want to, but... Very informative. Also, in my experience giving many informal surveys if you have the option the majority of people tend to rank everything in the middle (on the same tip if you have to rank one thing and there are an odd number of levels, most will put it in the middle one...not as helpful information-wise).

  4. What this whole process has taught me is that it is very easy to lose sight of the importance of detail. I found out that I didn't check the choices the program had in default menu when it came to location. It left out the Cnadian Provinces!

    Also, too many people got lost in the "ranking" question. So, the next time I have a question involving so many choices, I'll break it up into fewer choices but, more questions. After all, I have a sense of what is important and less important. I should be able to group them relatively.

    I just want to add that with NAFA having a budget, I think it should be a priority at NAFA to learn what works and what doesn't work. Brainstorm and come up with a plan to properly prioritize what NAFA spends money on. The future depends on making the "right" choices so that NAFA can continue into the far future... And, that means listening to all NAFA players from a completely "neutral" standpoint.
